Dive in

Here you'll find a collection of my most impactful interviews, articles, and video features, capturing my insights and contributions on leadership, diversity, and personal development. Dive in to explore how I've engaged with audiences around the world through various media platforms.


Wall Street Journal

"Workers Want More Autonomy. Here’s How Companies Can Adapt"


"Why mandates make us feel threatened"

Explore my journey through various features and placements, highlighting my work in prominent publications, media appearances, and keynote speaking engagements.

Features & Placements


"3 Simple tactics the best bosses use to improve performance"

Fast Company

"How women end up doing the invisible office housework"

- Christy

All realities are real, but no reality is universal.

-Ibn N.

Christy brings unique perspectives and true thought leadership in the realm of people management! Her presentations are not only innovative and thought provoking, but also drive real business value.

What others are saying


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